Auto AI eBook

In designing the Auto AI eBook for a client team at IBM Watson, my approach was both collaborative and client-centric. The eBook serves as a comprehensive guide to the innovative ways IBM is integrating Automated Intelligence across its various business units and software applications, encompassing domains such as software development, robotics, industry, and business operations.

Collaboration with the client team
From the outset, I worked closely with the client team to identify the key areas of AI application that would be most relevant and impactful for their audience. Through a series of workshops and meetings, we distilled the vast landscape of IBM’s AI initiatives into a structured and digestible format. This ensured that the content not only aligned with IBM’s strategic vision but also resonated with the target readership.

Design for Visual Appeal and User Experience
Understanding that the medium is as important as the message,  the design of the eBook was crafted to optimize visual appeal and user experience. We employed a clean, modern layout with interactive elements that invite exploration. Infographics and visuals were strategically used to illustrate complex concepts, making them accessible to a non-technical audience. The use of color,  typography, and white space was balanced to create an engaging and  intuitive reading experience.

I invite you to click the below image and view the entire 15 page eBook.



DBA Automated eBook