DBA Automated eBook
In designing the DBA Automated eBook for a client team at iBM Automation, my approach was both collaborative and client-centric. This 16 page eBook on Business Automation encapsulates IBM’s innovative strategies for Automated Intelligence to run various systems and applications throughout various business units. The eBook was meticulously crafted to serve as an engaging and informative guide for clients seeking to understand and implement IBM’s business automation solutions.

The design process involved the following key elements:

Interactive Table of Contents
Each chapter title in the table of contents is embedded with cryptic clickable hyperlinks, allowing readers to navigate effortlessly to their topics of interest.

Infographics and Diagrams
The eBook is enriched with a variety of infographics and diagrams. These visual elements were strategically placed to illustrate complex concepts in a digestible format, facilitating a better understanding of the automation processes.

External Links
To provide comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, the eBook includes external links to various authoritative websites. These links offer readers additional resources to explore business automation topics in greater depth.

User Engagement
The interactive features of the eBook are designed to engage users actively, making the learning experience both dynamic and user-friendly.

The end result is a polished, professional eBook that not only educates but also captivates the reader’s interest in IBM’s approach to business automation.

I invite you to click the below image and view the full 16 page eBook.


DBA Automated eBook